Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies


Using a whole stick of butter (half cup) for cookies always makes me gasp. But using half a cup of peanut butter seems a bit "healthier". And I don't feel as guilty when I end up eating two of these for breakfast with my coffee!

These cookies use simple ingredients. Just peanut butter, sugar, egg, vanilla, flour and leavening agents. Oh, and of course chocolate chips!

It does not spread much, so you have to flatten them down a bit before baking. But because they don't spread, you can fit them closely all on one baking tray and bake as one batch. So from start to finish, you can whip these up in under an hour.

In this batch pictured below, I used extra chunky peanut butter and extra dark chocolate chips (but of course you can use whatever kind of peanut butter and chocolate chips you have at hand). I was super scatter brained when making this batch, so as you can see, I apparently don't know how to count to 12!!! Ha ha!

Oh, I also forgot to press down the cookie dough balls with a fork until they were already in the oven for 5 minutes-- so I made a bit of a mess with chocolate smeared everywhere... Oh well, I got to lick the melted chocolate on the fork, so all was good.

Add wet ingredients to bowl

Mix thoroughly

Add flour, baking soda/powder

Mix til combined

Add chocolate chips

Mix to form dough

Roll into 12 balls (or 11 if you have trouble counting past 10, like me!) and flatten slightly

These cookies keep well at room temperature for up to five days in an air tight container, so whip up a batch now so you have some homemade afternoon snacks for the week.

Yields 12 cookies


  • ½ c Peanut butter
  • ½ c packed dark brown sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 T real vanilla
  • 1 c all purpose flour
  • ½ t baking soda
  • ½ t baking powder
  • ½ c chocolate chips


1. In a bowl, cream the peanut butter with the brown sugar, egg, and vanilla until thoroughly combined.

2. Add the flour, baking soda and baking powder and mix until a shaggy dough is formed.

3. Add chocolate chips and mix to combine.

4. Scoop out spoonfuls and roll into twelve 1.5 inch round balls. Place on silicon or parchment lined baking sheet, and press each ball to flatten slightly. You can also flatten with the back of a fork if you like pretty little line indents.

5. Bake at 350 F for 13-15 minutes until very slightly brown on the bottom. Allow to set on cookie sheet for 2 minutes. Then transfer to a wire rack to cool. Enjoy. When completely cool, store in an air tight container at room temperature for up to 5 days.