The Many Views of Niagra Falls


We went to Niagra Falls in the spring as part of our eastern Canadian trip, but I had gotten sick towards the end of our trip and totally dropped the ball on posting the pictures for Niagra Falls. Well, here they re now!

Day 1

There was a lot of traffic going from Gananoque to Niagra. It was a long 5 hr slough... We checked into our hotel and then walked over to a nearby Jamaican restaurant for a casual dinner of ox tails and jerk chicken before walking over to stake out a spot for fireworks over Niagra Falls.

Nigagra Falls during twilight hour. From the Canadian side, you can see the full horseshoe shaped fall.

Fireworks over Niagra every night at 10PM. There’s spot lights on the falls giving a rainbow effect.

Day 2

This is the day we got to see the falls from all different angles: up close front view to get splashed by the mist, side views, top views and behind the falls views.

On the boat that gets you up close to the mist of the falls. They have these boat cruises launching from both the American side and the Canadian side. Red ponchos for us since we took the boat from the Canadian side; blue ponchos for those launching from the American side. Even with ponchos, our shoes were SOAKED!

After the cruise, we went through tunnels to get a view behind the falls. They gave out yellow ponchos here, and then you walk to two portals to get a glimpse of the back of the falls. Definitely unique, but super crowded. We lined up and waited our turn to see through the openings, but it’s hard to appreciate when you can’t stay for more than a minute (well, you could stay longer, but you’d feel bad because you know there’s a long line of people behind you waiting their turn.)

Then there is a platform for the side view of the falls. Here you can stay as long as you want to hear and feel the power of the falls.

There was also a nice educational exhibit explaining power generation from the falls. You could spend quite a long time here reading all the side panels.

Also at the museum, you can take the elevator down and walk through a very long tunnel to see the falls from yet another angel. Here this tunnel is deep, and so it is cold compared to the other tunnel with the two portals. And because the tunnel is so long, it didn’t feel crowded at all, and hence quite a nice experience.

The view at the end of the tunnel.

Day 3

In the morning, we took the shuttle to the nature walk where there are platforms along the Niagra River. The water is such a pretty blue.

After the walk, we caught the shuttle to go ride a tram that takes you above Niagra River. It’s a nice gentle ride from one end to the other. At the other end, they make everyone switch sides so that everyone can see both sides of the river.

Arial View from the tram 

Since we had a lot of time left in the day, we also did a little hiking in this area where at certain trails you can see the Niagra River. We did see a lot of people rock climbing here though. It’s a nice hike, but not a must do and only if you have some extra time. So after planning our trip, I think in hindsight, 2 full days in Niagra is plenty.