Quick Pickles of Daikon and Carrots


I really like tart foods, especially pickles!

This recipe is a simple quick pickling of daikon (a radish) and carrots that is tart and sweet with a nice crunchy texture. The best thing is that these pickles are good in the fridge for up to 6 weeks and can be eaten as a condiment to a rich Asian dinner like this Pork adobo recipe, or this stewed pork belly recipe, or this fried mochiko chicken recipe, or as a salad topping, or tucked inside a Vietnamese inspired sandwich. It's basically a sweet and sour crunchy refreshing bite that really cleanses your palate and opens up your appetite. So good!

Peel and wash carrots and daikon

Julienne the veggies

Add to large bowl

Sprinkle with salt and let it sit at room temperature to "sweat".
Rinse and drain

Pack into clean glass jars

Pour in pickling brine

Cover with saran wrap and cap with lids. Date and label jars. Place in fridge. Obviously I failed at spelling!

Yields 12 servings


  • 1.2 lbs Daikon (about 2 small daikons)
  • 0.5 lbs carrots (about 3 medium carrots)
  • 1.5 c water
  • 1.5 c distilled white vinegar
  • 1 c sugar
  • 1 t salt
  • additional salt for sweating daikon and carrots


1. In a non-reactive pot (don’t use cast iron or aluminum pots), add the water, vinegar, sugar and salt and bring to a boil. Turn off heat and allow to cool to room temperature. This is your pickling brine.

2. Peel and wash daikon and carrots. Julienne the daikon and carrots and place them in a large bowl.

3. Spinkle with about 2 teaspoons of salt and massage thoroughly. Allow the vegetables to sit at room temperature for 10 minutes until they have sweated and the daikon and carrots are pliable. Transfer daikon and carrots to a colander; rinse, and drain thoroughly.

4. Pack the julienned carrots and daikon into clean glass jars.

5. Pour cooled pickling brine over the daikon and carrots. Make sure the brine covers the top of the carrots and daikon. Cover jar with saran wrap and then cap with lids and place in the fridge.

 6. Pickles are best after at least two days, but can be eaten as soon as the next day. Make sure that you use clean utensils to dip into the jar as you take out the portion you want to eat.